The Curtiss T. Brennan & Mary G. Brennan Foundation, a non-profit organization, was established in 1988 to provide funding support for archaeological field research, emphasizing in particular those regions of the world in which early centers of complex culture or civilization originated. Support of active field archaeology, particularly excavation, is emphasized. Post-excavation analysis, processing and publication, or other archaeological activities supportive of field research will only be considered in connection with previously funded field projects.
The Brennan Foundation views its grants as seed money, as a catalytic agent enabling especially significant archaeological projects to initiate or dramatically expand work and progress to the point where traditional sources of major funding may be approached. Of particular importance in selecting applications to be funded in full or in part is the significance of the project in increasing an understanding of the origin and subsequent development of early cultural complexity and civilization in that particular region of the world in which the project is undertaken.
Other factors of particular importance include the perceived leverage our funding would provide in gaining further support for the project in terms of matching funds or other support, the need for rescuing threatened archaeological resources of particular importance, the professional standing of the individuals and institutions involved and their experience in those regions and countries where work is proposed, the degree of cooperation established with existing national archaeological institutions, and the degree of funding and other support previously and currently evidenced by other research and funding institutions.
Application must be made by the sponsoring institution through the principal investigator. The principal investigator must hold a Ph.D or equivalent. Grants are not available for dissertation research. Grants can only be made to tax-exempt nonprofit organizations that qualify under Section 501 ( c ) ( 3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or to non US-based institutions that can demonstrate similar qualifications. No grants will be made to individuals, or to religious or political organizations. No portion of the grant award may be used for salaries or fringe benefits of the principal investigator. As a matter of policy, the foundation supports no overhead or other indirect costs for the sponsoring institution.
Proposals should be made in letter form. The proposal and comments will then be considered by the Foundation's board. If funds are awarded, a report from the institution detailing the expenditure of the Foundation funds, and a report from the principal investigator discussing the results of the investigations should be submitted within six months of the end of the grant period.
Proposals should include the following specific information:
1.) Abstract: An initial paragraph or abstract summarizing the project as a whole and how those activities funded by the proposed grant would fit in.
2.) Background: A more detailed account of the project's background including research accomplished to date, projected research beyond the current field season, and details and significance of activities to be funded by the Brennan Foundation. Special emphasis should be placed on how Foundation-funded work would benefit and enhance future project activity in general. Any leverage Foundation funding would provide in terms of matching funds or in making possible subsequent larger, more comprehensive applications to other institutions should be mentioned. The significance of the project��s results to a broader understanding of the region and/or time period should be considered, including tie-ins with prior research of others.
3.) Budget: Budget details should be appended, both for the funding requested from the Brennan Foundation and for the project as a whole. For field projects this should include both a breakdown of field season expenses and post-season processing and analysis. Currently established funding should be described. Sources of additional funding applied for should be named.
4.) Personnel: List organizations and institutions presently involved or proposed to be involved, including host country governmental and private institutions, and explain their roles. Pay special attention the project's relationship with the host country, including training professionals and students, conservation and educational work, etc. Include curriculum vitae of the principal investigator and immediate subordinates, plus details of the professional experience and qualifications of other important staff and specialists.
5.) Permits: Include the status of excavation and any other research permits required by the host country.
6.) Bibliography: Append a list of works useful in understanding the project's background, both general works covering region and time period, and more specific articles on the project��s results to date. Copies of articles of particular significance are appreciated.
7.) References: Includes names of several professionals willing to be contacted who are familiar with the subject in general and the project in particular, but who are not themselves part of the project.
8.) Deadlines: Application may be made throughout the calendar year, with deadlines of April 15 and October 15. Due to the review process it is advisable to submit well in advance of the proposed inception of work. Applications may be submitted by postal mail or email.
Please submit applications to: Curtiss T. & Mary G. Brennan Foundation, 1000 Cordova Place, #426, Santa Fe, NM 87505 USA. E-mail: Fax: 505-983-5120.